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mss / GSOC2020 / Getting Started

FAQ How To Start

  • Where is the link to a setup guide for new developers?

    use the section where we describe this option

    conda install mss

    conda remove mss --force

  • Are there any unusual libraries/applications that need to be installed first?

    We are based on anaconda3 and conda-forge. All development is done with python 3.

    On linux install xvfb. This is used to run tests on a virtual display.

  • How do I have to setup my environment?

    Dependent on the IDE there are differences, we try to describe this for anycase.

    • After you installed by conda-forge all mss dependencies by conda install mss uninstall mss from your env (conda remove mss --force).
    • Add the path of your development mss directory to $PYTHONPATH
    • Verify by pytest in your mss directory that tests are executed
    • python workspace/mss/mslib/mswms/ (see output on screen)
    • python workspace/mss/mslib/mswms/
    • python workspace/mss/mslib/msui/
  • What type of source control do you use?

  • Which branch have I to use?

    We have two branches in the project.

    • stable is meant for bugfixes only of the current major release.
    • develop is for all kind of development. This is the branch which is used for new features and API changes. develop should always be in a functional state. If you work on something you make a new branch based on develop in your repository. Of course if you do a bug fix for a stable release this has to be done in a branch based of stable. In case of doubt ask one of the mentors.
  • What's the process for submitting your first bug fix?

    We like to have a fork of the project, creating a branch based on the develop/stable branch, claiming an issue, working on that issue, talking about that, sending a pull request

  • Where should students look to find easy issues to try out?

    Issues to start with

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